Episode 245 – The Lessons I Learned Winning Top Fitness Pro of 2019

Episode 245 - The Lessons I Learned Winning Top Fitness Pro of 2019

This past weekend, we won Top Fitness Professional of 2019 at the CanFitPro Awards! This is a huge honour for our team but also a chance for us to share with you what it was really like behind the scenes growing a business for 11 years, the big changes we want to make in this industry moving forward  and why as a fitness pro, nutrition coach or just an amazing chick you have more power than you know to change your business, life, health and the world with the work you are doing everyday. Go Chick Power! For more info on this episode and full show notes, please visit www.fitchicksacademy.com

For more info on our upcoming Fitness & Nutrition Expert Certification at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure

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