Episode 423 – Incredible Ways Strength Training Can Improve Your Overall Health

Episode 423 - Incredible Ways Strength Training Can Improve Your Overall Health

When we think of strength training, it is common to think of it as a way to shape and tone our muscles and body but today on FIT CHICKS Chat we are sharing other incredible ways that adding strength training to your workout regime will help you with your overall health. After hearing these other benefits to strength training, we would love to hear from you which one resonates with you the most and will be your new motivator to either begin or continue to push and pull your way to your best health. Comment below this episode and let us know!

Ready to start your journey to becoming a Certified Fitness and Nutrition Expert Coach in 2022?  Our next program starts March 30th so join us LIVE for the next Fitness and Nutrition Expert Info Session to learn more how you can join⇒ https://www.fitchicksacademy.com/infosession

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