Episode 163 – Our Top 5 Pieces of Advice when taking your Fitness Biz from in Person to Online

Episode 163 - Our Top 5 Pieces of Advice when taking your Fitness Biz from in Person to Online

Do you want to take your fitness or health biz online?  Or thinking about getting certified and running online programs?  If so, this is a must listen for you! In this episode, Head Chicks Amanda and Laura share what it was like to go from starting a small bootcamp in Toronto with 7 women to growing into Canada’s Largest Women’s Only Fitness Company, launching retreats, DVD’s, Challenges to completely shifting their business strategy from in person programs and launching online certification programs, challenge, coaching and more. ,Plus we share our biggest lessons, struggles and tips so you can see what (And what not!) to do when taking your biz and passion online! For more info on FIT CHICKS, visit www.fitchicksacademy.com To get full episode show notes and recap click here

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