Day 4: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES – Abigail Sanders

Day 4: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Abigail Sanders

Have you ever felt like you wanted to take a new direction in life but just were not sure which path was best for you? Like you were struggling to find your purpose in life? Abi felt that same way. After working in retail for the majority of her career she knew she wanted to make a change but just wasn’t quite sure which direction to go. After taking a course in life coaching and mindset, she felt her head was full of knowledge but still was uncertain how to use it all to help clients. Then Abi found our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Certification and decided to add on this extra layer of education to her resume and skill set. At age 50, Abi is now not only in the best shape of her life but she is also showing others that it is never too late to get started on your health or life journey. She also shares in today’s episode why it is necessary to continue to perfect your craft and her biggest piece of advice to any aspiring coach. Listen today to Abi’s inspirational message of what is possible.

If you know in your heart that helping others is what drives you, what makes you feel complete and what truly feels like your path in life, enroll now for our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Program so we can help you every step of the way. Enrollment is open at and as Abi stated “ Get on that boat and make your way to the fun side of the island as it’s awesome here. The certification is easy to navigate in the online space and has the help and support to back you if needed.”

Enrollment closes soon and classes start October 30th – register today at 

Abi Sanders is a Holistic Mindset, Nutrition and Weight Management Coach decided to helping others reach their true potential. To learn more about Abi and all she is doing check her out at 

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