Episode 486 – How to Build Holistic Fitness Programs

Episode 486 - How to Build Holistic Fitness Programs

We just wrapped up our live event called “Become a Holistic Fitness Coach Week” and the trainings were soooo good to help aspiring coaches know what they need to be successful for themselves and their clients, we decided to share it on the podcast this week

In this episode, we are diving deep into the 3 core areas of building holistic fitness programs that not only benefit clients and get amazing results but are built in a way to benefit your business AND help you grow into a top confident coach in what you can offer.  This is also the 3 point method we used to grow our group fitness programs to 7 figures.  
Ready to take your love for fitness to the next level? Become a certified holistic fitness coach in our upcoming fitness and nutrition expert certification program starting April 5th at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fne

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