Episode 459 – Calories Aren’t The Only Thing To Do With Weight Loss

Episode 459 - Calories Aren’t The Only Thing To Do With Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, calories in vs calories out is still the traditional approach.  But what happens when you do that and getting to your goals is total struggle?  In this episode, we are taking you through the 4 things that have nothing to do with calories that may be holding you or your clients back from hitting your weight loss goals.

Want to dive deeper into this coaching tool and learn more? You can still join us LIVE virtually for Holistic Weight Loss Coach Week where we will be teaching, coaching and sharing 5 of our TOP & proven holistic nutrition weight loss coaching tools to expand your knowledge and toolkit to help guide you and your clients to their weight loss transformations for good! Save your seat at www.fitchicksacademy.com/coachweek

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