Episode 445 – How Teaching Group Fitness This Summer Will Change Lives 2 of 3

Episode 445 - How Teaching Group Fitness This Summer Will Change Lives 2 of 3

This is part 2 of our 3 part weekly series all about how teaching group fitness this summer will change lives. This week, our focus is all about your friends, family, colleagues and community! Today we share how offering a group fitness program can shift so many lives of people you are closest with as well as others you might not even yet know in your own neighborhood. Having someone in your life that is inspiring you to get started on your health journey can be life changing, are you ready to be that leader? Listen to today’s episode and comment below to let us know that you are ready to take on that role of inspiring others through health today! 

Ready to get certified as a group fitness instructor? No more waiting! Our Fast Track to certification is happening right now until July 31st, you can enroll with our Fitness and Nutrition Expert program through our “Summer of certifications”. Join today, start today and have the full support of our team to get you certified this summer. Enroll and learn more at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fne  

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