Episode 379 – How to Make Weight Loss FUN

Episode 379 - How to Make Weight Loss FUN

So many times we tell ourselves that we want to get healthy and reach our weight loss goals but that it will be difficult, boring, secluded and just overall NOT FUN!  We ask ourselves negative questions like:  “Why can’t I lose weight?” or “Why am I fat?” and create a lifestyle that feels restricted. The truth is you can NOT change your health and life from a place of hating yourself or negativity. This will cause  you or your clients QUITTING on their goals and themselves before they have even started.

In this workshop style episode, we are busting through how to make the mindset shift that makes the journey to weight loss one from struggle to simple.  By the end of this episode, you will have mastered the ONE skill that will not only help make your health journey fun and less resistance but also will help you tap into a wonderful new way of thinking about your health and weight loss for the long haul.

Start your journey to becoming a Certified Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach! Download the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification Brochure to learn more ⇒ www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlebrochure

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